Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Class Interaction

  extended by org.openliberty.arisid.Interaction
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAddInteraction, ICompareInteraction, IDeleteInteraction, IFindInteraction, IInteraction, IModifyInteraction, IReadInteraction, ISearchInteraction

public class Interaction
extends java.lang.Object
implements IAddInteraction, ICompareInteraction, IReadInteraction, ISearchInteraction, IFindInteraction, IDeleteInteraction, IModifyInteraction, IInteraction

An Interaction is used to define a single transaction operation and its related schema. The Interaction object is also used to invoke the desired operations implemented by the IAttrSvcStack provider.

Field Summary
static int OP_ADD
          A constant indicating that an Interaction is an Add operation.
static int OP_COMPARE
          A constant indicating that the Interaction is for a Compare operation.
static int OP_DELETE
          A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Delete operation.
static int OP_FIND
          A constant indicating that an Interaction is for a Find operation.
static int OP_MODIFY
          A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Modify operation.
static int OP_READ
          A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Read operation.
static int OP_SEARCH
          A constant indicating that the Interaction is for a Search operation.
Method Summary
 org.w3c.dom.Node appendNode(org.w3c.dom.Node parent)
 IPrincipalIdentifier doAdd(IAttributeValue[] attrVals, java.lang.String[] roles, user)
          Method to allow client code to add a new Identity through the attribute services.
 boolean doCompare(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, user)
          The compareIdentity method is used to test a set of PredicateDef conditions (declared in the Interaction) against a subject user and return a boolean response.
 void doDelete(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, IPolicy dynamicConstraints, user)
          Method to delete a subject from the attribute service.
 void doDelete(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, user)
          Method to delete a subject from the attribute service.
 IDigitalSubject doFind(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          Method to find a single subject.
 IDigitalSubject doFind(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, user)
          Method to find a single subject.
 IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.
 IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, user)
          The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.
 IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.
 IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, user)
          This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.
 void doModify(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, IAttributeValue[] modVals, java.lang.String[] roleVals, user)
          The modify method allows attributes of a Subject to be modified within the attribute service.
 IResultSet doSearch(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          The search operation can be used for reporting purposes to locate a set of subjects that match a particular condition.
 IResultSet doSearch(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, user)
          The search operation can be used for reporting purposes to locate a set of subjects that match a particular condition.
 AttributeDef getAttributeDef(java.lang.String nameId)
          Get an AttributeDef used in an Interaction.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAttributeIds()
 IPolicy getAttributePolicyDef(java.lang.String attrNameId)
 AttributeRef getAttributeRef(java.lang.String nameId)
 java.util.Collection<AttributeRef> getAttributeRefs()
 ArisIdService getAttributeService()
 java.lang.String getDescription()
 java.lang.String getEntityName()
 Filter getFilter()
 IPolicy getInteractionPolicyDef()
 int getMaxReturns()
          Gets the maximum count of subjects that the client expects to process.
 java.lang.String getNameId()
 int getOperationType()
 int getPageSize()
          Preferred page size for those service providers that can optimize traffic and buffering.
 PredicateDef getPredicateDef(java.lang.String name)
          Returns a PredicateDef used in an Interaction
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPredicateIds()
 IPolicy getPredicatePolicyDef(java.lang.String predNameId)
 PredicateRef getPredicateRef(java.lang.String nameId)
 java.util.Collection<PredicateRef> getPredicateRefs()
 RoleDef getRoleDef(java.lang.String name)
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getRoleIds()
 IPolicy getRolePolicyDef(java.lang.String roleNameId)
 RoleRef getRoleRef(java.lang.String nameId)
 java.util.Collection<RoleRef> getRoleRefs()
 IPolicy getTransactionPolicy()
 boolean isAdd()
 boolean isCompare()
 boolean isDelete()
 boolean isFind()
 boolean isModify()
 boolean isRead()
 boolean isSearch()
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int OP_READ
A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Read operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_MODIFY
A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Modify operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_ADD
A constant indicating that an Interaction is an Add operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_DELETE
A constant indicating that an Interaction is a Delete operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_FIND
A constant indicating that an Interaction is for a Find operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_SEARCH
A constant indicating that the Interaction is for a Search operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OP_COMPARE
A constant indicating that the Interaction is for a Compare operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public org.w3c.dom.Node appendNode(org.w3c.dom.Node parent)
Specified by:
appendNode in interface IInteraction


public ArisIdService getAttributeService()
Specified by:
getAttributeService in interface IInteraction


public AttributeDef getAttributeDef(java.lang.String nameId)
Get an AttributeDef used in an Interaction.

Specified by:
getAttributeDef in interface IInteraction
nameId - of an AttibuteDef (baseAttribute.getNameId()).


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAttributeIds()
Specified by:
getAttributeIds in interface IInteraction


public java.util.Collection<AttributeRef> getAttributeRefs()
Specified by:
getAttributeRefs in interface IInteraction


public AttributeRef getAttributeRef(java.lang.String nameId)
Specified by:
getAttributeRef in interface IInteraction


public PredicateDef getPredicateDef(java.lang.String name)
Returns a PredicateDef used in an Interaction

Specified by:
getPredicateDef in interface IInteraction
name - of a PredicateDef (baseAttribute.getNameId()).


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPredicateIds()
Specified by:
getPredicateIds in interface IInteraction


public java.util.Collection<PredicateRef> getPredicateRefs()
Specified by:
getPredicateRefs in interface IInteraction


public PredicateRef getPredicateRef(java.lang.String nameId)
Specified by:
getPredicateRef in interface IInteraction


public RoleDef getRoleDef(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
getRoleDef in interface IInteraction


public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getRoleIds()
Specified by:
getRoleIds in interface IInteraction


public java.util.Collection<RoleRef> getRoleRefs()
Specified by:
getRoleRefs in interface IInteraction


public RoleRef getRoleRef(java.lang.String nameId)
Specified by:
getRoleRef in interface IInteraction


public Filter getFilter()
Specified by:
getFilter in interface IInteraction


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Specified by:
getDescription in interface IInteraction


public int getOperationType()
Specified by:
getOperationType in interface IInteraction
The operation type for the transaction (e.g. OP_ADD, OP_READ).


public java.lang.String getNameId()
Specified by:
getNameId in interface IInteraction
the String name of the Interaction.


public IPolicy getTransactionPolicy()
Specified by:
getTransactionPolicy in interface IInteraction


public int getMaxReturns()
Description copied from interface: ISearchInteraction
Gets the maximum count of subjects that the client expects to process. Once maxSubjects have been returned, the results should terminate with the result set indicating partial results received if more were available.

Specified by:
getMaxReturns in interface ISearchInteraction


public int getPageSize()
Description copied from interface: ISearchInteraction
Preferred page size for those service providers that can optimize traffic and buffering. Page size means that the client would like to retrieve pageSize entries at a time from memory.

Specified by:
getPageSize in interface ISearchInteraction


public boolean isAdd()
Specified by:
isAdd in interface IAddInteraction
Specified by:
isAdd in interface IInteraction


public boolean isFind()
Specified by:
isFind in interface IFindInteraction
Specified by:
isFind in interface IInteraction


public boolean isCompare()
Specified by:
isCompare in interface ICompareInteraction
Specified by:
isCompare in interface IInteraction


public boolean isDelete()
Specified by:
isDelete in interface IDeleteInteraction
Specified by:
isDelete in interface IInteraction


public boolean isModify()
Specified by:
isModify in interface IInteraction
Specified by:
isModify in interface IModifyInteraction


public boolean isSearch()
Specified by:
isSearch in interface IInteraction
Specified by:
isSearch in interface ISearchInteraction


public boolean isRead()
Specified by:
isRead in interface IInteraction
Specified by:
isRead in interface IReadInteraction


public IPrincipalIdentifier doAdd(IAttributeValue[] attrVals,
                                  java.lang.String[] roles,
                           throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IAddInteraction
Method to allow client code to add a new Identity through the attribute services. The IAttrSvcStack will map the correct authority and add the entity and its values as appropriate. Note that while the application may view a subject as a new Identity, it is quite possible that the attribute service will re-map the add to be a modify function in the event of a record that already exists depending on configured policy.

Specified by:
doAdd in interface IAddInteraction
attrVals - An array of IAttributeValue objects defining the attributes of the Subject to be added. Note: Dynamic policy constraints may also be specified by adding them to specific IAttributeValue values.
roles - The roles (of the declared roles) that should be set. If a declared value is not present, that is treated as a clear. A null value means no changes for roles are to be made.
user - the Subject credential under which the add operation is to be performed or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
a principal identifier representing the subject added.
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the add is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Is thrown when a subject already exists and policy has determined that the add may not be converted to a modify.
SchemaException - Is thrown when the attributes being added cannot be mapped to the schema within the attribute authority. This may or may not indicate a partial add was completed. Exception should indicate details.
MappingException - Is thrown when an error has occurred mapping attribute values to the attribute authority schema.
DeclarationException - The Interaction was not declared as an Add Interaction.
NoSuchSubjectException - if the non-null value of the user parameter does not exist.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doAdd(IAddInteraction, IAttributeValue[], String[], Subject)


public IDigitalSubject doFind(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                       throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IFindInteraction
Method to find a single subject.

Specified by:
doFind in interface IFindInteraction
attrFilterVals - An array of IFilterValue and/or IAttributeValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set.
IFilterValue allows for the capability for runtime setting of the comparison operator (contains, beginswith, etc).
user - The security credential under which the operation is to be performed
String containing the mapped and authenticated subject key
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the authentication is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no Subject was located for the authenticate operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Occurs when the when more than one Subject is located and could not be uniquely authenticated.
DeclarationException - The interaction was not declared as a Authenticate Interaction.
InvalidFilterException - There is a problem with the declared filter or the provided filter values.
SchemaException - is thrown when a filter or role cannot be matched or used appropriately.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a filter or role to an appropriate search filter or in mapping a result.


public IDigitalSubject doFind(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                       throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IFindInteraction
Method to find a single subject.

Specified by:
doFind in interface IFindInteraction
attrFilterVals - An array of IFilterValue and/or IAttributeValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set.
IFilterValue allows for the capability for runtime setting of the comparison operator (contains, beginswith, etc).
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - The security credential under which the operation is to be performed
String containing the mapped and authenticated subject key
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the authentication is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no Subject was located for the authenticate operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Occurs when the when more than one Subject is located and could not be uniquely authenticated.
DeclarationException - The interaction was not declared as a Authenticate Interaction.
InvalidFilterException - There is a problem with the declared filter or the provided filter values.
SchemaException - is thrown when a filter or role cannot be matched or used appropriately.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a filter or role to an appropriate search filter or in mapping a result.


public boolean doCompare(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                         java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                  throws IGFException
Description copied from interface: ICompareInteraction
The compareIdentity method is used to test a set of PredicateDef conditions (declared in the Interaction) against a subject user and return a boolean response.

It is anticipated that this method is the preferred method of querying since it reduces information actually transferred from federated attribute sources.

Specified by:
doCompare in interface ICompareInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - the unique subject to be compared
attrFilterVals - An array of AIAttributeValue or IFilterValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set. Note: Dynamic policy constraints may also be specified by adding them to specific IAttributeValue values.
user - the credential context performing the compare or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
true if Identity and conditions are matched.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doCompare(ICompareInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, List, Subject)


public void doDelete(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
              throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IDeleteInteraction
Method to delete a subject from the attribute service. Note that depending on policy the delete may not actually occur. From the perspective of the attribute authority, the delete is simply indicating that the client application is deleting the subject.

Specified by:
doDelete in interface IDeleteInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - the subject to be deleted
user - The Subject credential under which the delete operation is to be performed or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the delete is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no Subject was located for the delete operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Occurs when the delete would impact more than one Subject.
DeclarationException - The interaction was not declared as a Delete Interaction.


public void doDelete(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                     IPolicy dynamicConstraints,
              throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IDeleteInteraction
Method to delete a subject from the attribute service. Note that depending on policy the delete may not actually occur. From the perspective of the attribute authority, the delete is simply indicating that the client application is deleting the subject.

Specified by:
doDelete in interface IDeleteInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - the subject to be deleted
dynamicConstraints - A IPolicy object containing any transaction related constraints or null.
user - The Subject credential under which the delete operation is to be performed or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the delete is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no Subject was located for the delete operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Occurs when the delete would impact more than one Subject.
DeclarationException - The interaction was not declared as a Delete Interaction.


public IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                      throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IReadInteraction
The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.

Specified by:
doGet in interface IReadInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - the unique of the user to be retrieved
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, Map, Subject)


public IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                      throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IReadInteraction
The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.

Specified by:
doGet in interface IReadInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - the unique of the user to be retrieved
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, Map, Subject)


public IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                               throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IReadInteraction
This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.

Specified by:
doGetByRequest in interface IReadInteraction
request - the ServletRequest object to be parsed for a Subject context
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, HttpServletRequest, Map, Subject)


public IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                               throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IReadInteraction
This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.

Specified by:
doGetByRequest in interface IReadInteraction
request - the ServletRequest object to be parsed for a Subject context
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, HttpServletRequest, Map, Subject)


public IResultSet doSearch(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                    throws ConnectionException,
The search operation can be used for reporting purposes to locate a set of subjects that match a particular condition. The result set returns a List of SubjectKeys that match the filter and role conditions specified. Note that if reporting is desired, the caller may then issue doRead requests to pull back attributes, predicates, and roles of particular subjects returned from this method.

Specified by:
doSearch in interface ISearchInteraction
attrFilterVals - An array of IAttributeValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set.
user - The security context of the user performing the search or null.
A IResultSet of entries that were found in the search.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when a filter or role cannot be matched or used appropriately.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a filter or role to an appropriate search filter.
DeclarationException - is thrown if this method is called but the Interaction is not declared as a search.
InvalidFilterException - is thrown if an invalid filter or filter value has been specified


public IResultSet doSearch(java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                    throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: ISearchInteraction
The search operation can be used for reporting purposes to locate a set of subjects that match a particular condition. The result set returns a List of SubjectKeys that match the filter and role conditions specified. Note that if reporting is desired, the caller may then issue doRead requests to pull back attributes, predicates, and roles of particular subjects returned from this method.

Specified by:
doSearch in interface ISearchInteraction
attrFilterVals - An array of IFilterValue or IAttributeValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set.
IFilterValue allows for the capability for runtime setting of the comparison operator (contains, beginswith, etc).
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - The user context under which the operation is to be performed or null.
A IResultSet of entries that were found in the search.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when a filter or role cannot be matched or used appropriately.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a filter or role to an appropriate search filter or in mapping a result.
DeclarationException - is thrown if this method is called but the Interaction is not declared as a search.
InvalidFilterException - is thrown if an invalid filter or filter value has been specified.


public void doModify(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                     IAttributeValue[] modVals,
                     java.lang.String[] roleVals,
              throws ConnectionException,
Description copied from interface: IModifyInteraction
The modify method allows attributes of a Subject to be modified within the attribute service.

Specified by:
doModify in interface IModifyInteraction
subjectIdentifierKey - The subject to be modified.
modVals - modVals an array of IAttributeValue to be applied to the subject. Note: Dynamic policy constraints may also be specified by adding them to specific IAttributeValue values.
roleVals - The roles (of the declared roles) that should be set. If a declared value is not present, that is treated as a clear. A null value means no changes for roles are to be made.
user - The user context under which the modify is to be performed or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the modify is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no subject could be located for the modify request.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Is thrown when the subject index maps to more than 1 logical subject.
SchemaException - Is thrown when the attributes being modified cannot be mapped to the schema within the attribute service. This may or may not indicate a partial modify was completed. Exception should indicate details.
MappingException - Is thrown when an error has occurred mapping attribute values to the attribute authority schema.
DeclarationException - The Interaction was not declared as an Modify Interaction.


public IPolicy getInteractionPolicyDef()
Specified by:
getInteractionPolicyDef in interface IInteraction


public IPolicy getAttributePolicyDef(java.lang.String attrNameId)
Specified by:
getAttributePolicyDef in interface IInteraction


public IPolicy getPredicatePolicyDef(java.lang.String predNameId)
Specified by:
getPredicatePolicyDef in interface IInteraction


public IPolicy getRolePolicyDef(java.lang.String roleNameId)
Specified by:
getRolePolicyDef in interface IInteraction


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String getEntityName()
Specified by:
getEntityName in interface IInteraction - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0