Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Interface IModifyInteraction

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public interface IModifyInteraction
extends IInteraction

An interaction used for modify an identity accessed via an ArisId Service.

Method Summary
 void doModify(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, IAttributeValue[] modVals, java.lang.String[] roleVals, user)
          The modify method allows attributes of a Subject to be modified within the attribute service.
 boolean isModify()
Methods inherited from interface org.openliberty.arisid.IInteraction
appendNode, getAttributeDef, getAttributeIds, getAttributePolicyDef, getAttributeRef, getAttributeRefs, getAttributeService, getDescription, getEntityName, getFilter, getInteractionPolicyDef, getNameId, getOperationType, getPredicateDef, getPredicateIds, getPredicatePolicyDef, getPredicateRef, getPredicateRefs, getRoleDef, getRoleIds, getRolePolicyDef, getRoleRef, getRoleRefs, getTransactionPolicy, isAdd, isCompare, isDelete, isFind, isRead, isSearch

Method Detail


boolean isModify()
Specified by:
isModify in interface IInteraction


void doModify(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
              IAttributeValue[] modVals,
              java.lang.String[] roleVals,
              throws ConnectionException,
The modify method allows attributes of a Subject to be modified within the attribute service.

subjectIdentifierKey - The subject to be modified.
modVals - modVals an array of IAttributeValue to be applied to the subject. Note: Dynamic policy constraints may also be specified by adding them to specific IAttributeValue values.
roleVals - The roles (of the declared roles) that should be set. If a declared value is not present, that is treated as a clear. A null value means no changes for roles are to be made.
user - The user context under which the modify is to be performed or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
ConnectionException - Occurs when there was a connection error trying to connect to the appropriate attribute authority.
PolicyException - Occurs when the modify is refused due to policy restrictions
NoSuchContextException - Occurs when the Subject cannot be mapped to an appropriate attribute authority context.
NoSuchSubjectException - Occurs when no subject could be located for the modify request.
SubjectNotUniqueException - Is thrown when the subject index maps to more than 1 logical subject.
SchemaException - Is thrown when the attributes being modified cannot be mapped to the schema within the attribute service. This may or may not indicate a partial modify was completed. Exception should indicate details.
MappingException - Is thrown when an error has occurred mapping attribute values to the attribute authority schema.
DeclarationException - The Interaction was not declared as an Modify Interaction. - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0