Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Interface IReadInteraction

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public interface IReadInteraction
extends IInteraction

An interaction object used for reading IDigitalSubjects from an ArisID service.

Method Summary
 IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.
 IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, user)
          The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.
 IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.
 IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, user)
          This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.
 boolean isRead()
Methods inherited from interface org.openliberty.arisid.IInteraction
appendNode, getAttributeDef, getAttributeIds, getAttributePolicyDef, getAttributeRef, getAttributeRefs, getAttributeService, getDescription, getEntityName, getFilter, getInteractionPolicyDef, getNameId, getOperationType, getPredicateDef, getPredicateIds, getPredicatePolicyDef, getPredicateRef, getPredicateRefs, getRoleDef, getRoleIds, getRolePolicyDef, getRoleRef, getRoleRefs, getTransactionPolicy, isAdd, isCompare, isDelete, isFind, isModify, isSearch

Method Detail


boolean isRead()
Specified by:
isRead in interface IInteraction


IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                      throws ConnectionException,
The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.

subjectIdentifierKey - the unique of the user to be retrieved
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, Map, Subject)


IDigitalSubject doGet(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                      throws ConnectionException,
The getIdentity method is used to retrieve attributes and properties about individuals based on the declared interaction and a subject index value.

subjectIdentifierKey - the unique of the user to be retrieved
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, Map, Subject)


IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                               throws ConnectionException,
This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.

request - the ServletRequest object to be parsed for a Subject context
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, HttpServletRequest, Map, Subject)


IDigitalSubject doGetByRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap,
                               throws ConnectionException,
This getIdentityByServletReq allows the attribute service to locate information using content from the ServletRequest object such as form input, or SAML assertions to process a lookup defined in the Interaction.

request - the ServletRequest object to be parsed for a Subject context
dynamicConstraintsMap - A map containing a set of dynamic constraints relevant to the transaction. The map index is either an attribute, predicate, or role name, or interaction name (to define policy at the interaction level). This parameter is used for things like specifying a localization constraint on an attribute.
user - the credential context performing the read or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
the DigitalSubject requested. An exception should be thrown if not matched.
ConnectionException - is thrown when a network or other connection problem has occurred causing the transaction to fail.
PolicyException - is thrown when the the transaction has failed due to policy or consent failure.
NoSuchContextException - is thrown when the subject cannot be mapped to an available context. This is usually suggestive of a configuration problem.
NoSuchSubjectException - is thrown when the user cannot be mapped within a context to perform the operation.
SubjectNotUniqueException - is thrown when the subject or user cannot be uniquely mapped to a single context or is not unique within a context.
SchemaException - is thrown when an attribute is not successfully matched to a context. This can be due to a missing attribute or a non-compatible syntax error.
MappingException - is thrown when an error has occurred in mapping a value to a particular schema. In this case, the schema was valid, but the value was either invalid or not mappable.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doRead(IReadInteraction, HttpServletRequest, Map, Subject) - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0