Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Interface ICompareInteraction

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public interface ICompareInteraction
extends IInteraction

Method Summary
 boolean doCompare(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey, java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals, user)
          The compareIdentity method is used to test a set of PredicateDef conditions (declared in the Interaction) against a subject user and return a boolean response.
 boolean isCompare()
Methods inherited from interface org.openliberty.arisid.IInteraction
appendNode, getAttributeDef, getAttributeIds, getAttributePolicyDef, getAttributeRef, getAttributeRefs, getAttributeService, getDescription, getEntityName, getFilter, getInteractionPolicyDef, getNameId, getOperationType, getPredicateDef, getPredicateIds, getPredicatePolicyDef, getPredicateRef, getPredicateRefs, getRoleDef, getRoleIds, getRolePolicyDef, getRoleRef, getRoleRefs, getTransactionPolicy, isAdd, isDelete, isFind, isModify, isRead, isSearch

Method Detail


boolean isCompare()
Specified by:
isCompare in interface IInteraction


boolean doCompare(IPrincipalIdentifier subjectIdentifierKey,
                  java.util.List<IAttributeValue> attrFilterVals,
                  throws IGFException
The compareIdentity method is used to test a set of PredicateDef conditions (declared in the Interaction) against a subject user and return a boolean response.

It is anticipated that this method is the preferred method of querying since it reduces information actually transferred from federated attribute sources.

subjectIdentifierKey - the unique subject to be compared
attrFilterVals - An array of AIAttributeValue or IFilterValue objects that specify the comparison values for any AttrFilter objects contained in the declared filter for the transaction. The number of values specified must correspond exactly to the number specified in the declared filter. Use Filter.getCompareAttrValues() to obtain the values that need to be set. Note: Dynamic policy constraints may also be specified by adding them to specific IAttributeValue values.
user - the credential context performing the compare or null if the transaction is to be done using the application credential context alone.
true if Identity and conditions are matched.
See Also:
IAttrSvcStack.doCompare(ICompareInteraction, IPrincipalIdentifier, List, Subject) - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0