Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Uses of Class

Packages that use schemaRef

Uses of schemaRef in org.openliberty.arisid.policy

Methods in org.openliberty.arisid.policy with parameters of type schemaRef
 IPolicy PolicyHandler.getSchemaRefPolicy(IInteraction ixn, schemaRef attrPredOrRoleRef)
          Returns the WS-Policy as referenced in any AttributeRef, PredicateRef, or RoleRef object.
 IPolicy IArisWSPolicy.getSchemaRefPolicy(IInteraction ixn, schemaRef attrPredOrRoleRef)
          Returns the WS-Policy as referenced in any AttributeRef, PredicateRef, or RoleRef object.

Uses of schemaRef in org.openliberty.arisid.schema

Subclasses of schemaRef in org.openliberty.arisid.schema
 class AttributeRef
          A class used to define references to attributes defined in CARML DataDefs declaration and accessible via the SchemaManager.
 class PredicateRef
          A class used to define references to predicates defined in CARML DataDefs declaration and accessible via the SchemaManager.
 class RoleRef
          A class used to define references to roles defined in CARML DataDefs declaration and accessible via the SchemaManager. - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0