Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Class PolicyHandler

  extended by org.openliberty.arisid.policy.PolicyHandler

public class PolicyHandler
extends java.lang.Object

WS-Policy Handler for managing and manipulating WS-Policy objects. This handler supports the ability to use different WS-Policy implementations. To switch WS-Policy libraries, a wrapper module (provider) must be written that implements the IArisWSPolicy interface, along with implementations of other interfaces in the org.openliberty.arisid.policy package. To switch policy providers, set the system property "org.openliberty.policy.wspolicy.class" WS_POLICY_CLASS to the name of the class implementing IArisWSPolicy. The policy implementation will be instantiated on the first class to PolicyHandler.getInstance() and will invoke the IArisWSPolicy.initialize() method.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String DEF_WSPOLICY_CLASS
static java.lang.String WS_POLICY_CLASS
Method Summary
 boolean addConstraintOrAssertionToPolicy(IAssertion[] assertions, IPolicy targetPolicy, boolean isAll)
          Adds a array of WS Policy IAssertion to an existing IPolicy object
 boolean addConstraintOrAssertionToPolicy(IAssertion assertion, IPolicy targetPolicy, boolean isAll)
          Adds a WS Policy IAssertion to an existing IPolicy object
 void addLocalityConstraint(java.lang.String language, IAttributeValue value)
          Adds a localization constraint to a specified IAttributeValue.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> addLocalityConstraint(java.lang.String language, java.lang.String name, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> constraintMap)
          Adds a localization constraint to a policy map for a specified attribute name.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> applyValueConstraints(IAttributeValue attrValue, java.lang.String language, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> constraintMap)
          When used as part of an interaction using an IAttributeValue (add, modify, compare), a preferred locality, or policies can be applied.
 IAddValuesConstraint createAddValuesConstraint()
          Create a constraint that changes a modify to indicate values should add too, rather than replace, current values.
 IContractOrLegalConstraint createContractOrLegalConstraint( contractUri, issuer)
          Create a constraint that defines the legal or contractual context under which information is being exchanged.
 IDataDisplayMaskConstraint createDataDisplayMaskConstraint(java.lang.String maskPattern, issuer)
          Describes components of string data which should be masked when data is displayed or logged.
 IDataLossOrBreachConstraint createDataLossOrBreachConstraint( breachReportUri, issuer)
          Describes the entities (e.g.
 IDeleteValuesConstraint createDeleteValuesConstraint()
          Generates a constraint used to change a modify operation to cause specific values provided to be deleted.
 ILifetimeConstraint createLifetimeConstraint(java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate)
          Generates a Lifetime constraint that specifies for how long an assertion is valid.
 ILifetimeConstraint createLifetimeConstraint(int hours, int mins)
          Generates a Lifetime constraint that specifies for how long an assertion is valid specified in hours and minutes from receipt.
 ILocalizationConstraint createLocalizationConstraint(java.lang.String languageCode)
          Creates a localization constraint request.
 IPolicy createNewPolicy()
          Creates a new empty IPolicy object.
 IPropagateConstraint createPropagateConstraint( propagateUri, issuer)
          Creates a constrint on the services or end-points to which the data may be propagated or forwarded.
 IPurposeConstraint createPurposeConstraint( purposeUri, issuer)
          Describes the usage context in which data is sought or the context in which data is being provided.
 IRetentionConstraint createRetentionConstraint( retentionUri, issuer)
          Indicates whether the data value can be retained by the requestor, in memory or otherwise.
 IRetentionConstraint createRetentionConstraint( retentionUri, issuer, ILifetimeConstraint lifetime)
          Indicates whether the data value can be retained by the requestor, in memory or otherwise, and the time period for which it can be retained.
 IAssertion getConstraint(IPolicy policy, javax.xml.namespace.QName assertionName)
          Returns the first instance of a constraint located within a policy.
static PolicyHandler getInstance()
          Obtains a handle to the WS-Policy service.
 IPolicy getInteractionPolicy(IInteraction ixn)
          Return any policy associated with an Interaction definition.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocalityConstraints(IAttributeValue value)
          Returns a list of localization languages for a particular IAttributeValue object.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocalityConstraints(IPolicy policy)
          Return any constraints related to locality in the specified policy
 IPolicy getSchemaRefPolicy(IInteraction ixn, schemaRef attrPredOrRoleRef)
          Returns the WS-Policy as referenced in any AttributeRef, PredicateRef, or RoleRef object.
 boolean isAddValuesOnModify(IAttributeValue value, IModifyInteraction ixn)
          Used to check weather a set of values being used in a modify transaction are intended to add specific values rather than replace all values (the default).
 boolean isAssertionPresent(IPolicy policy, javax.xml.namespace.QName assertionName)
          A utility to test for the presence of a particular constraint or assertion class present in a Policy.
 boolean isDeleteValuesOnModify(IAttributeValue value, IModifyInteraction ixn)
          Used to check weather a set of values being used in a modify transaction are intended to delete specific values rather than replace all values (the default).
 IPolicy loadPolicyByReference( policyRef)
          Loads a Policy by URI reference.
 IPolicy parseDomPolicy(org.w3c.dom.Node policyNode)
          Takes a DOM parsed Node object and uses the WS-Policy implementation provider to generate an IPolicy object containing a native policy object.
 IPolicy parseStringPolicy(java.lang.String policyString)
          Invokes the selected DOM parser and WS-Policy implementation to parse an XML String into an IPolicy object.
 org.w3c.dom.Element parseStringToElement(java.lang.String pol)
          Converts a String representation of WS-Policy into a DOM Element.
 org.w3c.dom.Element policyToElement(java.lang.Object policy)
          Deprecated. Use of this method will tie calling code to a specific implementation of WS-Policy and may impact flexibility.
 java.lang.String policyToString(java.lang.Object policy)
          Converts a policy object (from the policy provider) to a String representation.
 void setAddValuesOnModifyConstraint(IAttributeValue value)
          Used to change the way a modify request works so that specific values listed can be added without having to replace all existing values.
 void setDeleteValuesOnModifyConstraint(IAttributeValue value)
          Used to change the way a modify request works so that specific values listed can be deleted.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String WS_POLICY_CLASS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String DEF_WSPOLICY_CLASS
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static PolicyHandler getInstance()
Obtains a handle to the WS-Policy service. The first time this method is called, the declared WS-Policy provider (implementing IArisWSPolicy) will be instantiated. The default is: org.openliberty.arisid.policy.neethi.PolicyImpl To override the default, set the system property "org.openliberty.policy.wspolicy.class" to the name of the class implementing IArisWSPolicy interface.

a handler to the PolicyHandler system
java.lang.ClassCastException - If the specified class does not implement IArisWSPolicy
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException - If the specified class cannot be loaded.


public void addLocalityConstraint(java.lang.String language,
                                  IAttributeValue value)
                           throws PolicyException
Adds a localization constraint to a specified IAttributeValue. Note that the localization applies to all values in IAttributeValue. When localization is applied to a value, the intent is usually to tag or indicate that a particular value is of a particular locality.

language - Language token as defined by RFC3066
value - The IAttributeValue for which the constraint is to be applied.
PolicyException - LanguageCode must not be null or empty string.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> addLocalityConstraint(java.lang.String language,
                                                                     java.lang.String name,
                                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> constraintMap)
                                                              throws PolicyException
Adds a localization constraint to a policy map for a specified attribute name. Typically used in read/search requests. Note that the localization applies to all values in IAttributeValue. When localization is applied to a value, the intent is usually to tag or indicate that a particular value is of a particular locality.

language - Language token as defined by RFC3066
name - Name identifier of the attribute the constraint is to be associated with.
constraintMap - A Map containing existing existing constraints for which the language constraint is to be added. To create a new map, pass a null.
Map The modified map containing the requested constraint.


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> applyValueConstraints(IAttributeValue attrValue,
                                                                     java.lang.String language,
                                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> constraintMap)
                                                              throws PolicyException
When used as part of an interaction using an IAttributeValue (add, modify, compare), a preferred locality, or policies can be applied. Note: If a language parameter is specified, it will be added to existing policy specified in constraintMap (which may also have locality constraints). If a policy for the attribute is defined in constraintMap, it will override any existing policy in the passed attributeValue - otherwise, existing policy in attributeValue is used if none if found in constraintMap for the attribute. Note: At least one of language or constraintMap must be specified.

attrValue - An IAttributeValue for which the locality constraint is to be set. An IAttributeValue object for whom the localization request constraint is to be added. To set the constraint for all data in the interaction, specify the interaction name instead of the data element name.
language - Language token as defined by RFC3066 (may be null)
constraintMap - A Map containing existing existing constraints for which the language constraint is to be added. To create a new map, pass a null. Existing values will overwrite policy already set in attrValue.
Map The modified map containing the requested constraint.
PolicyException - If attrValue is null, or if both language and constraintMap is null.


public IAssertion getConstraint(IPolicy policy,
                                javax.xml.namespace.QName assertionName)
Returns the first instance of a constraint located within a policy.

policy - The IPolicy object within which to search for the constraint or assertion.
assertionName - An String representing a IAssertion in QName form to search for.
Returns the first IAssertion located or null


public IPolicy getInteractionPolicy(IInteraction ixn)
Return any policy associated with an Interaction definition.

ixn - A handle to a IInteraction object for which associated policy is to be returned.
The policy associated or null if none defined


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocalityConstraints(IPolicy policy)
Return any constraints related to locality in the specified policy

policy - A WS-Policy object that may contain a locality constraint
A list containing locality constraints if present, or NULL.


public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocalityConstraints(IAttributeValue value)
Returns a list of localization languages for a particular IAttributeValue object. For a returned valued, the order should reflect the languages of the returned values.

value - The value object that may contain localized values.
An List of String language values contained or null if no localization present.


public IPolicy getSchemaRefPolicy(IInteraction ixn,
                                  schemaRef attrPredOrRoleRef)
Returns the WS-Policy as referenced in any AttributeRef, PredicateRef, or RoleRef object.

ixn - The interaction that contains the schemaRef object.
attrPredOrRoleRef - The particular AttributeRef, PredicateRef, or RoleRef whose policy needs to be returned.
The IPolicy declared for this particular use of schema for this Interaction.


public boolean isAddValuesOnModify(IAttributeValue value,
                                   IModifyInteraction ixn)
Used to check weather a set of values being used in a modify transaction are intended to add specific values rather than replace all values (the default).

value - The IAttributeValue to be tested.
ixn - The modify interaction definition for the transaction.
true if IAddValuesConstraint is present.


public boolean isAssertionPresent(IPolicy policy,
                                  javax.xml.namespace.QName assertionName)
A utility to test for the presence of a particular constraint or assertion class present in a Policy. Note: this does not test whether the policy is required. Use the "intersect" method of your selected WS-Policy implementation for this purpose.

policy - The policy object to be tested for the presence of assertionName.
assertionName - The assertion name to look for within the policy.
boolean value indicating whether the assertionName type is present in the specified policy.


public boolean isDeleteValuesOnModify(IAttributeValue value,
                                      IModifyInteraction ixn)
Used to check weather a set of values being used in a modify transaction are intended to delete specific values rather than replace all values (the default).

value - The IAttributeValue to be tested.
ixn - The modify interaction definition for the transaction.
true if IDeleteValuesConstraint is present.


public IPolicy parseStringPolicy(java.lang.String policyString)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Invokes the selected DOM parser and WS-Policy implementation to parse an XML String into an IPolicy object.

policyString - An XML String representing a WS-Policy or WS-PolicyReference object
An IPolicy containing the parsed policy. Use IPolicy.getPolicy() to obtain the actual native policy built by the selected WS-Policy implementation.


public org.w3c.dom.Element parseStringToElement(java.lang.String pol)
Converts a String representation of WS-Policy into a DOM Element. Using DOM parsing only.

pol - An XML String representation of WS-Policy
A DOM Element containing the WS-Policy


public org.w3c.dom.Element policyToElement(java.lang.Object policy)
Deprecated. Use of this method will tie calling code to a specific implementation of WS-Policy and may impact flexibility.

Converts a native policy object (from the policy provider) to a DOM Element

policy - A Java object representing the WS-Provider native implementation of a WS Policy object. Typically obtained from IPolicy.getPolicy().
A DOM Element representation of the WS-Policy


public java.lang.String policyToString(java.lang.Object policy)
Converts a policy object (from the policy provider) to a String representation. The method accepts IPolicy or native policy objects. WARNING: Use of native policy objects is discouraged as this causes binding to specific WS-Policy implementations and may impact deployability.

policy - An IPolicy object or native ws-policy object to be converted. Typically obtained from IPolicy.getPolicy().
A String representation of the ws-policy object


public IPolicy parseDomPolicy(org.w3c.dom.Node policyNode)
Takes a DOM parsed Node object and uses the WS-Policy implementation provider to generate an IPolicy object containing a native policy object.

policyNode - A DOM Node containing a Policy or PolicyReference node.
An IPolicy object holding the WS-Policy object.


public void setAddValuesOnModifyConstraint(IAttributeValue value)
                                    throws PolicyException
Used to change the way a modify request works so that specific values listed can be added without having to replace all existing values.

value - The IAttributeValue object that is to be used in a modify request.


public void setDeleteValuesOnModifyConstraint(IAttributeValue value)
                                       throws PolicyException
Used to change the way a modify request works so that specific values listed can be deleted.

value - The IAttributeValue object that is to be used in a modify request.


public IPolicy loadPolicyByReference( policyRef)
Loads a Policy by URI reference. The reference may be within the CARML Doc or may be an external reference.

policyRef - A URI referencing a WS-Policy document.
An IPolicy object containing the obtained and parsed policy.


public IAddValuesConstraint createAddValuesConstraint()
Create a constraint that changes a modify to indicate values should add too, rather than replace, current values.

IAddValuesConstraint constraint object


public IContractOrLegalConstraint createContractOrLegalConstraint( contractUri,
Create a constraint that defines the legal or contractual context under which information is being exchanged. See IContractOrLegalConstraint for more information.

contractUri - A URI that defines the legal context under which information is being exchanged.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
IContractOrLegalConstraint constraint object.


public IDataDisplayMaskConstraint createDataDisplayMaskConstraint(java.lang.String maskPattern,
Describes components of string data which should be masked when data is displayed or logged.

maskPattern - A masking pattern (depending on industry convention) indicating how value is to be masked.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
IDataDisplayMaskConstraint constraint object.


public IDataLossOrBreachConstraint createDataLossOrBreachConstraint( breachReportUri,
Describes the entities (e.g. business or government authority, the user, etc) to be informed if the data is lost or compromised. Example values: urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:breachreport:end-user Indicates that the breach MUST be reported to the relevant end-user. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:breachreport:source Indicates that the breach MUST be reported to the original source.

breachReportUri - URI breach notification URI value. A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
IDataLossOrBreachConstraint constraint object


public IDeleteValuesConstraint createDeleteValuesConstraint()
Generates a constraint used to change a modify operation to cause specific values provided to be deleted.

IDeleteValuesConstraint constraint object


public ILifetimeConstraint createLifetimeConstraint(int hours,
                                                    int mins)
Generates a Lifetime constraint that specifies for how long an assertion is valid specified in hours and minutes from receipt.

hours - the number of hours from receipt the values are valid.
mins - the number of minutes from receipt the values are valid.
ILifetimeConstraint constraint object


public ILifetimeConstraint createLifetimeConstraint(java.util.Date startDate,
                                                    java.util.Date endDate)
Generates a Lifetime constraint that specifies for how long an assertion is valid. Specified in terms of start and end dates.

startDate - the date from which values are valid.
endDate - the date until which values are valid.
ILifetimeConstraint constraint object


public ILocalizationConstraint createLocalizationConstraint(java.lang.String languageCode)
                                                     throws PolicyException
Creates a localization constraint request.

languageCode - Language token as defined by RFC3066
PolicyException - LanguageCode must not be null or empty string.


public IPropagateConstraint createPropagateConstraint( propagateUri,
Creates a constrint on the services or end-points to which the data may be propagated or forwarded. This specification defines a single standard URI for constraining propagation. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:propagate:requestor Indicates that the data value MUST NOT be propagated beyond the requestor. Other entities for which it might be relevant to constrain propagation might include service, server, department, end-point, etc. The expectation is that such constraints would be defined in other profiles.

propagateUri - The URI describing propagate restrictions.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
An IPropagateConstraint constraint object


public IPurposeConstraint createPurposeConstraint( purposeUri,
Describes the usage context in which data is sought or the context in which data is being provided. This specification defines a single standard URI for constraining purpose. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:purpose:context Indicates that the purpose for which the data value is sought SHOULD be determined from application context. The application context may be determined in many different ways, including for example, by examining the message carrying the constraint. Our expectation is that communities will define additional URIs based on rules for industry verticals and national jurisdictions.

purposeUri - A URI describing the designated transaction purpose.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
An IPurposeConstraint constraint object.


public IRetentionConstraint createRetentionConstraint( retentionUri,
Indicates whether the data value can be retained by the requestor, in memory or otherwise. This specification defines five standard URIs for constraining retention. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:nocache Indicates that the data value MUST NOT be cached or persisted and should be overwritten after a single use. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:transient Indicates that the data value MAY be held in memory cache but MUST NOT be persisted. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:persist Indicates that the data value MAY be persisted. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:persist:encrypt Indicates that the data value MUST be encrypted when copied to persistent store. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:nolog Indicates that the data value MUST NOT be written to log.

retentionUri - The URI indicating permitted type of retention.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
An IRetentionConstraint constraint object.


public IRetentionConstraint createRetentionConstraint( retentionUri,
                                                      ILifetimeConstraint lifetime)
Indicates whether the data value can be retained by the requestor, in memory or otherwise, and the time period for which it can be retained. This specification defines five standard URIs for constraining retention. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:nocache Indicates that the data value MUST NOT be cached or persisted and should be overwritten after a single use. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:transient Indicates that the data value MAY be held in memory cache but MUST NOT be persisted. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:persist Indicates that the data value MAY be persisted. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:persist:encrypt Indicates that the data value MUST be encrypted when copied to persistent store. urn:liberty:names:1.0:igf:pri:retention:nolog Indicates that the data value MUST NOT be written to log.

retentionUri - The URI indicating permitted type of retention.
issuer - A URI indicatig the party asserting the constraint (user, relying party, provider service).
lifetime - An ILifetimeConstraint indicating the period of retention.
An IRetentionConstraint constraint object.


public IPolicy createNewPolicy()
Creates a new empty IPolicy object. Used for building policies in Java. Use IPolicy.getPolicy() to obtain the actual policy object created by the WS-Policy provider.

an IPolicy object


public boolean addConstraintOrAssertionToPolicy(IAssertion assertion,
                                                IPolicy targetPolicy,
                                                boolean isAll)
Adds a WS Policy IAssertion to an existing IPolicy object

assertion - An assertion implementing the IAssertion interface
targetPolicy - A policy object implementing IPolicy
isAll - If true, policy will be added using a WS-Policy ALL structure, or ExactlyOne if false.
true if the policy was succesfully updated.


public boolean addConstraintOrAssertionToPolicy(IAssertion[] assertions,
                                                IPolicy targetPolicy,
                                                boolean isAll)
Adds a array of WS Policy IAssertion to an existing IPolicy object

assertions - An assertion implementing the IAssertion interface
targetPolicy - A policy object implementing IPolicy
isAll - If true, policy will be added using a WS-Policy ALL structure, or ExactlyOne if false.
true if the policy was succesfully updated. - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0