Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IDeleteInteraction

Uses of IDeleteInteraction in org.openliberty.arisid

Classes in org.openliberty.arisid that implement IDeleteInteraction
 class Interaction
          An Interaction is used to define a single transaction operation and its related schema.

Methods in org.openliberty.arisid that return IDeleteInteraction
 IDeleteInteraction CarmlDoc.createDeleteInteraction(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description, IPolicy txnPolicy)
          Deprecated. Use CarmlDoc.createDeleteInteraction(String,String,String,IPolicy) instead
 IDeleteInteraction CarmlDoc.createDeleteInteraction(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String entityName, java.lang.String description, IPolicy txnPolicy)
          Create an interaction for the purpose of performing deletions of subjects.

Uses of IDeleteInteraction in org.openliberty.arisid.stack

Methods in org.openliberty.arisid.stack with parameters of type IDeleteInteraction
 void IAttrSvcStack.doDelete(IDeleteInteraction ixn, IPrincipalIdentifier subjectKey, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,IPolicy> dynamicConstraintsMap, user)
          A method allowing the client app to delete a subject using both the application and the end-user context. - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0