Project Aristotle - ArisID Attribute Services

Package org.openliberty.arisidbeans

Class Summary
AttributeDescriptor The AttributeDescriptor class is used to maintain Attribute, Predicate and Role related information and the corresponding get/set methods.
BeanGenerator Class for generating the Identity Bean classes for a given CARML file.
CarmlParser Class for parsing the CARML file and creating InteractionDescriptor list and AttributeDescriptor list for all interactions and attributes in the CARML file InteractionDescriptor and AttributeDescriptor lists are used by Bean Generator for generating the bean classes
IGFObject IGFObject is an abstract class containing get/set and other methods generic to any CARML declaration and this class is inherited by the Bean class generated from a CARML file.
IGFObjectManager IGFObjectManager is an abstract class containing methods that are generic to any CARML declaration and this class is inherited by the BeanManager class generated from a CARML file.
InteractionDescriptor The InteractionDescriptor class is used to maintain Interaction related information and the corresponding get/set methods.
ModPropertyValue PropertyValue is used to hold property values to be modified in Attribute Authority for a DigitalSubject.
ObjRelationDescriptor The ObjRelationDescriptor class is used to maintain ObjectRelations related information and the corresponding get/set methods.
ObjRelationParser Class for parsing the ObjectRelations file and creating ObjRelationDescriptor list for all Object relations defined in ObjRelations XML file ObjRelationDescriptor list is used by Bean Generator for generating the additional methods in bean classes
PropertyFilterValue PropertyFilterValue is used to hold property value to be used in the find/search filters defined in the CARML file
PropertyValue PropertyValue is used to hold property values to be added in Attribute Authority for a DigitalSubject.
SearchResults<E extends IGFObject> SearchResults is a class containing methods that are generic to any search interaction Sample call is as follows: HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("pageSize", "2"); SearchResults sr = userManager.searchUsers(attrFilter,map); while(sr.hasMore()) { List list = Listsr.getNextSet(); }

Exception Summary
IDBeanException Generic Identity Bean Exception
InvalidValueException Used for Exceptions generated within Identity Beans
OperationNotSupportedException Used for Exceptions generated within Identity Beans - Licensed under Apache APL 2.0